Above: Artists of Creative Connections take a break from creating art to have fun and make silly faces at the camera for a photo opp. Back row, from left: Jenn, Katie, April, Gray, Patrick. Front row, from left: Krista, Adrian and Kathryn.
If you’ve peeked in the windows of Creative Connections recently you know that there are exciting projects underway! Every surface is covered in art and everyone has their head down hard at work! All this energy can only mean one thing: the Creative Connections Annual Art Show and Sale is right around the corner.
This year our talented team of artists has chosen the theme of “Transformation”; the moments, friendships, and dreams that help us to become who we are.
Change is sometimes beautiful, sometimes painful and oftentimes both. Through photography, collage, paint, sculpture, printmaking (and more) our artists can’t wait to share their perspectives and stories!
The work that has emerged reflects so perfectly the individual passions of each of the 16 artists featured. I’m so proud of the brave work they have done to explore life transitions, core memories, growth, friendship, and authenticity. “Transformation” reveals the beautiful relationships and support that thrives at Creative Connections!
I can’t tell you how excited everyone is for you to see their work! This show offers a chance for the artists of Creative Connections to celebrate with old friends, and make some new ones!
You’ll have a chance to meet the artists and maybe take home some of the beautiful art! This is one of our best days of our year, we hope to see you there!
Please come and Celebrate with us at the Saint John Arts Centre, May 4th 2-4pm. Click here for more information.
We hope to see you there!
Gray Gilles Mott
Creative Connections Program Leader
1 comment
We’re looking forward to the Art Show so much !!