Then and now

Then and now

Above: L'Arche President Don Dickson (center left, wearing a green lei) gives remarks at a recent community gathering. Don, previously president more than a decade ago, reflects on the organization’s growth over time.

Some of you may know that this is my second time as Chair of the Board of Directors of L’Arche Saint John. As I embark on this next leg of the journey with L’Arche, fourteen years later, I reflect on the way things are now compared to back then.

Back then, we had a saying: “One-third the funding, three times the fun” when comparing ourselves to other L’Arche communities in Canada. The government funding needle has moved a little, but we are still well below average. On the positive side, I believe we still have three times the fun!

Back then, we had one home, and all our focus was on maintaining McKim House. Now, we have McKim House, Creative Connections, and L’Arche Connects. Our impact in the community is growing by leaps and bounds.

Back then, it was difficult to see a path to growth. Raising the capital to create a second home or open a program seemed overwhelming. Now, we see that it can be done. There is no shortage of need, and there are like-minded organizations and individuals that are ready to start this work with us.

Back then, if you asked someone on the street, “What is L’Arche?” chances are they would not know. Now, we are on the radio, in the paper, and holding and attending events. The name of L’Arche Saint John means something in Saint John. Individuals understand the value that we bring to the community and are happy to support us. Organizations want to partner with us. We are no longer just a home on the west side of Saint John; we are a valued part of the community.

Back then, I was happy to be on the board, contributing as I could. Now, I am excited to see and be a part of the bright future of L’Arche in Saint John.

Thank you for your continued support of this organization.

Don Dickson
L’Arche Saint John Board Chair

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