Two decades of impact: Celebrating our unwavering mission

Two decades of impact: Celebrating our unwavering mission

Above: Marilyn, left, and John enjoy a game of UNO at McKim House in 2005. John was one of our community’s first core members to move into the community, and Marilyn was our first House Leader. 20 years later, we live the same mission – along with our love for UNO. 

As I wrapped up a workday recently, I realized that I’d spent most of the afternoon on the phone with four separate colleagues, talking through three complex support scenarios and how best to respond as a community. 

Each conversation had more questions than answers. How do we keep the person’s dignity at the centre of this discussion? How do we move forward in good faith? While honouring the boundaries of our responsibilities, what’s the most loving response? How can we think outside the box – what opportunities are we missing?

Reflecting on those conversations, I felt so grateful. Grateful to work for an organization whose values centre on dignity and the value of each person. Grateful for colleagues who care so deeply about doing the right and most loving thing. And grateful for the space and support to wrestle with questions that may be inherently unanswerable. 

June 2025 will mark L’Arche Saint John’s official 20-year anniversary – a remarkable milestone. From humble beginnings, our community has almost quadrupled in size since those early days. 

Two decades later, through all the changes, challenges and joys, our mission remains the same: to make known the gifts of adults with intellectual disabilities, revealed through mutually transforming relationships. 

Every day we learn more about what this mission means. Community and relationships are living, breathing things that can be messy, beautiful, and never stagnant. We have lived community for many years, yet each day renews a commitment to never stop learning from, and leaning deeper into, relationships.  

Celebration is one thing L’Arche is really good at. As the year continues, stay tuned for opportunities to celebrate this 20-year milestone with us. If you’re in a position to give financially, consider becoming a monthly donor – a $20 monthly commitment will go a long way to celebrate 20 years. 

Whether you have been journeying with L’Arche Saint John since the very beginning in the 1990s, or are a new friend to us, thank you for being here. Let’s continue to walk this road together. 

With gratitude,

Rachel Vander Vennen
Community Leader & Executive Director


Hi Rachel;
Loved your recent reflection on 20 years of L’Arche Saint John. Those years have been lifegiving in so many ways to so many and to myself too. I feel privileged to have been part of New Dawn bringing L’Arche to Saint John and how wonderful the relationships and connections have been over the years. As Neil Young said,“Long May You Run.” We are all so much better for wonderful friendship connections!

Rick Larder

Rachel you are such a genuinely loving and caring person and L’Arche’s philosophy of caring is everything our families need. Plus we need each other. If you could think of an area that I could be helpful in volunteering please let me know. Not as a social worker rather as a person with love and time to offer.

Dawn Cunningham

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